Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CENCX::_IDongleObserverEventsEvents from DongleObserver
 CENCX::DongleObserverObserve the state of the security device
 CENCX::_IRasCatalogueObserverEventsEvents from RasCatalogueObserver
 CENCX::RasCatalogueObserverObserve changes to the charts in a RasManager
 CENCX::RasDrawDisplay a bounded raster chart via a Win32 Device Context
 CENCX::_IS57CatalogueObserverEventsEvents from S57CatalogueObserver
 CENCX::S57CatalogueObserverObserve changes to the cells in an S57Manager
 CENCX::_IS57DrawEventsEvents from S57Draw
 CENCX::S57DrawDisplay a continuous S-57 vector chart via a Win32 Device Context
 CENCX::HTMLGeneratorCreate HTML for display in a browser control (etc.)
 CIDisplayPaletteProperties and methods for ENCX::DisplayPalette
 CIDongleA security device
 CIDongleObserverProperties and methods for ENCX::DongleObserver
 CIGeoAreaProperties and methods for ENCX::GeoArea
 CIGeoHorizontalDatumInfoAbbreviated and full descriptions of a horizontal datum
 CIGeoLineProperties and methods for ENCX::GeoLine
 CIGeoPixA GeoPix represents a portion of chart visible on the screen
 CIGeoPixCollectionA collection of geopixes
 CIGeoPointProperties and methods for ENCX::GeoPoint
 CIGeoPointsProperties and methods for ENCX::GeoPoints
 CIGeoRectProperties and methods for ENCX::GeoRect
 CIGridDisplaySettingsProperties and methods for ENCX::GridDisplaySettings
 CIGridPenProperties and methods for ENCX::GridPen
 CIHTMLGeneratorProperties and methods for ENCX::HTMLGenerator
 CIHorizontalDatumA way to convert a geographical position between a local horizontal datum and WGS84
 CILibraryProperties and methods for ENCX::Library
 CIPixelPointProperties and methods for ENCX::PixelPoint
 CIPixelPointsA collection of pixel points
 CIPixelRectProperties and methods for ENCX::PixelRect
 CIPixelSizeProperties and methods for ENCX::PixelSize
 CIPolyAreasA collection of rings of pixel points. Returned by IGeoPix::Area
 CIPolyLinesA collection of chains of pixel points. Returned by IGeoPix::Line
 CIRasCatalogueObserverProperties and methods for ENCX::RasCatalogueObserver
 CIRasChartInfoDetails of a raster chart
 CIRasChartPanelIdentifierThe identity of a specific panel of a specific chart
 CIRasChartPanelIdentifiersA collection of raster chart panel identifiers
 CIRasChartsA collection of raster charts
 CIRasDiscIdentityA means of identifying a chart CD
 CIRasDrawProperties and methods for ENCX::RasDraw
 CIRasManagerProperties and methods for ENCX::RasManager
 CIRasNoticeToMarinersA Notice to Mariners
 CIRasNoticeToMarinersNumberIdentification for a notice to mariners
 CIRasNoticesToMarinersA collection of Notices to Mariners
 CIRasPanelIdentifierProperties and methods for ENCX::RasPanelIdentifier
 CIRasPanelIdentifiersA collection of raster panel identifiers
 CIRasPanelInfoDetails of a raster panel
 CIRasPanelNoteDetails of an explanatory note on a raster panel
 CIRasPanelNotesA collection of notes for a raster panel
 CIRouteCheckProperties and methods for ENCX::RouteCheck
 CIS57AttributeClassification of the properties associated with an S-57 feature
 CIS57AttributeValueAn S-57 feature can contain many attributes. Each attribute has a type (IS57Attribute) and a value
 CIS57AttributeValuesA collection of S-57 attribute values
 CIS57CatalogueObserverProperties and methods for ENCX::S57CatalogueObserver
 CIS57CellIdentifierProperties and methods for ENCX::S57CellIdentifier
 CIS57CellIdentifiersProperties and methods for ENCX::S57CellIdentifiers; a collection of S57CellIdentifier
 CIS57CellInfoDetails of a single S-57 cell
 CIS57ColourClassification of the properties associated with an S-57 colour
 CIS57ColourValueAn S-57 Colour Identifier combined with the RGB values of the colour for each colour scheme (Day, Twilight, Night)
 CIS57ColourValuesA collection of S-57 colours and associated RGB values
 CIS57DepthPointThe combination of a geographical position and the depth at that position
 CIS57DepthPointsA collection of S-57 soundings (position and depth pairs)
 CIS57DisplaySettingsProperties and methods for ENCX::S57DisplaySettings
 CIS57DrawProperties and methods for ENCX::S57Draw
 CIS57DrawnFeatureHow a feature is (or would be) drawn. Obtained when hit-testing a S57Draw object
 CIS57DrawnFeaturesA collection of features returned by hit-testing an S57Draw object
 CIS57FaceA geographical area - a closed region on the surface of the earth
 CIS57FacesA collection of S-57 faces
 CIS57FeatureAreaInformation about a feature of 'Area' geometry
 CIS57FeatureIdentifierProperties and methods for ENCX::S57FeatureIdentifier
 CIS57FeatureIdentifiersA collection of S-57 feature identifiers
 CIS57FeatureInfoGeneric information. Can be used with any feature
 CIS57FeatureLineInformation about a feature of 'Line' geometry
 CIS57FeaturePointInformation about a feature of 'Point' geometry
 CIS57FeatureQueryProperties and methods for ENCX::S57FeatureQuery
 CIS57FeatureSoundingInformation about a collection of soundings
 CIS57ManagerProperties and methods for ENCX::S57Manager
 CIS57ManagerInitialisationDataProperties and methods for ENCX::S57ManagerInitialisationData
 CIS57ObjectClassProperties and methods for ENCX::S57ObjectClass
 CIS57ObjectClassCollectionA collection of S-57 Object Classes
 CIS57ProductAndUsageProperties and methods for ENCX::S57ProductAndUsage
 CIS57ProductAndUsagesA collection of S-57 product / intended usage pairs
 CIVPFCatalogueObserverProperties and methods for ENCX::VPFCatalogueObserver
 CIVPFDisplaySettingsProperties and methods for ENCX::VPFDisplaySettings
 CIVPFFeatureSetProperties and methods for ENCX::VPFFeatureSet
 CIVPFIteratorGuideProperties and methods for ENCX::VPFIteratorGuide
 CIVPFIteratorGuide_CoverageUseProperties and methods for ENCX::IVPFIteratorGuide_CoverageUse
 CIVPFIteratorGuide_DatabaseUseProperties and methods for ENCX::VPFIteratorGuide_DatabaseUse
 CIVPFIteratorGuide_LibraryUseProperties and methods for ENCX::IVPFIteratorGuide_LibraryUse
 CIVPFManagerProperties and methods for ENCX::VPFManager
 CIWVSDisplaySettingsProperties and methods for ENCX::WVSDisplaySettings. These settings only affect single-file WVS drawing
 CENCX::S57ManagerInitialisationDataParameters required to initialize S57Manager using OpenSenc2()