▼CENCX::_IDongleObserverEvents | Events from DongleObserver |
CENCX::DongleObserver | Observe the state of the security device |
▼CENCX::_IRasCatalogueObserverEvents | Events from RasCatalogueObserver |
CENCX::RasCatalogueObserver | Observe changes to the charts in a RasManager |
▼C_IRasDrawEvents | |
CENCX::RasDraw | Display a bounded raster chart via a Win32 Device Context |
▼CENCX::_IS57CatalogueObserverEvents | Events from S57CatalogueObserver |
CENCX::S57CatalogueObserver | Observe changes to the cells in an S57Manager |
▼CENCX::_IS57DrawEvents | Events from S57Draw |
CENCX::S57Draw | Display a continuous S-57 vector chart via a Win32 Device Context |
CENCX::HTMLGenerator | Create HTML for display in a browser control (etc.) |
▼CIDispatch | |
►CIDisplayPalette | Properties and methods for ENCX::DisplayPalette |
CIDongle | A security device |
►CIDongleObserver | Properties and methods for ENCX::DongleObserver |
►CIGeoArea | Properties and methods for ENCX::GeoArea |
CIGeoHorizontalDatumInfo | Abbreviated and full descriptions of a horizontal datum |
►CIGeoLine | Properties and methods for ENCX::GeoLine |
CIGeoPix | A GeoPix represents a portion of chart visible on the screen |
CIGeoPixCollection | A collection of geopixes |
►CIGeoPoint | Properties and methods for ENCX::GeoPoint |
CIGeoPointFormatter | GeoPointFormatter |
►CIGeoPoints | Properties and methods for ENCX::GeoPoints |
►CIGeoRect | Properties and methods for ENCX::GeoRect |
CIGridDisplaySettings | Properties and methods for ENCX::GridDisplaySettings |
CIGridPen | Properties and methods for ENCX::GridPen |
CIHTMLGenerator | Properties and methods for ENCX::HTMLGenerator |
CIHorizontalDatum | A way to convert a geographical position between a local horizontal datum and WGS84 |
►CILibrary | Properties and methods for ENCX::Library |
►CIPixelPoint | Properties and methods for ENCX::PixelPoint |
CIPixelPoints | A collection of pixel points |
►CIPixelRect | Properties and methods for ENCX::PixelRect |
►CIPixelSize | Properties and methods for ENCX::PixelSize |
CIPolyAreas | A collection of rings of pixel points. Returned by IGeoPix::Area |
CIPolyLines | A collection of chains of pixel points. Returned by IGeoPix::Line |
►CIRasCatalogueObserver | Properties and methods for ENCX::RasCatalogueObserver |
CIRasChartInfo | Details of a raster chart |
►CIRasChartPanelIdentifier | The identity of a specific panel of a specific chart |
CIRasChartPanelIdentifiers | A collection of raster chart panel identifiers |
CIRasCharts | A collection of raster charts |
CIRasDiscIdentity | A means of identifying a chart CD |
►CIRasDraw | Properties and methods for ENCX::RasDraw |
►CIRasManager | Properties and methods for ENCX::RasManager |
CIRasNoticeToMariners | A Notice to Mariners |
CIRasNoticeToMarinersNumber | Identification for a notice to mariners |
CIRasNoticesToMariners | A collection of Notices to Mariners |
CIRasPanelIdentifier | Properties and methods for ENCX::RasPanelIdentifier |
CIRasPanelIdentifiers | A collection of raster panel identifiers |
CIRasPanelInfo | Details of a raster panel |
CIRasPanelNote | Details of an explanatory note on a raster panel |
CIRasPanelNotes | A collection of notes for a raster panel |
CIRouteCheck | Properties and methods for ENCX::RouteCheck |
CIS57Attribute | Classification of the properties associated with an S-57 feature |
CIS57AttributeValue | An S-57 feature can contain many attributes. Each attribute has a type (IS57Attribute) and a value |
CIS57AttributeValues | A collection of S-57 attribute values |
►CIS57CatalogueObserver | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57CatalogueObserver |
►CIS57CellIdentifier | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57CellIdentifier |
►CIS57CellIdentifiers | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57CellIdentifiers; a collection of S57CellIdentifier |
CIS57CellInfo | Details of a single S-57 cell |
►CIS57Colour | Classification of the properties associated with an S-57 colour |
►CIS57ColourValue | An S-57 Colour Identifier combined with the RGB values of the colour for each colour scheme (Day, Twilight, Night) |
►CIS57ColourValues | A collection of S-57 colours and associated RGB values |
CIS57DepthPoint | The combination of a geographical position and the depth at that position |
CIS57DepthPoints | A collection of S-57 soundings (position and depth pairs) |
CIS57DisplaySettings | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57DisplaySettings |
►CIS57Draw | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57Draw |
CIS57DrawnFeature | How a feature is (or would be) drawn. Obtained when hit-testing a S57Draw object |
CIS57DrawnFeatures | A collection of features returned by hit-testing an S57Draw object |
CIS57Face | A geographical area - a closed region on the surface of the earth |
CIS57Faces | A collection of S-57 faces |
CIS57FeatureArea | Information about a feature of 'Area' geometry |
►CIS57FeatureIdentifier | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57FeatureIdentifier |
►CIS57FeatureIdentifiers | A collection of S-57 feature identifiers |
CIS57FeatureInfo | Generic information. Can be used with any feature |
CIS57FeatureLine | Information about a feature of 'Line' geometry |
CIS57FeaturePoint | Information about a feature of 'Point' geometry |
►CIS57FeatureQuery | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57FeatureQuery |
CIS57FeatureSounding | Information about a collection of soundings |
►CIS57Manager | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57Manager |
CIS57ManagerInitialisationData | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57ManagerInitialisationData |
►CIS57ObjectClass | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57ObjectClass |
►CIS57ObjectClassCollection | A collection of S-57 Object Classes |
►CIS57ProductAndUsage | Properties and methods for ENCX::S57ProductAndUsage |
►CIS57ProductAndUsages | A collection of S-57 product / intended usage pairs |
CIVPFCatalogueObserver | Properties and methods for ENCX::VPFCatalogueObserver |
CIVPFDisplaySettings | Properties and methods for ENCX::VPFDisplaySettings |
CIVPFFeatureSet | Properties and methods for ENCX::VPFFeatureSet |
CIVPFIteratorGuide | Properties and methods for ENCX::VPFIteratorGuide |
CIVPFIteratorGuide_CoverageUse | Properties and methods for ENCX::IVPFIteratorGuide_CoverageUse |
CIVPFIteratorGuide_DatabaseUse | Properties and methods for ENCX::VPFIteratorGuide_DatabaseUse |
CIVPFIteratorGuide_LibraryUse | Properties and methods for ENCX::IVPFIteratorGuide_LibraryUse |
CIVPFManager | Properties and methods for ENCX::VPFManager |
CIWVSDisplaySettings | Properties and methods for ENCX::WVSDisplaySettings. These settings only affect single-file WVS drawing |
CENCX::S57ManagerInitialisationData | Parameters required to initialize S57Manager using OpenSenc2() |