Properties and methods for ENCX::S57ObjectClass.
These are from the ENC Object Catalogue.
- ADMARE Administration Area (Named)
- AIRARE Airport/airfield
- ACHBRT Anchor berth
- ACHARE Anchorage area
- BCNCAR Beacon, cardinal
- BCNISD Beacon, isolated danger
- BCNLAT Beacon, lateral
- BCNSAW Beacon, safe water
- BCNSPP Beacon, special purpose/general
- BERTHS Berth
- BRIDGE Bridge
- BUISGL Building, single
- BUAARE Built-up area
- BOYCAR Buoy, cardinal
- BOYINB Buoy, installation
- BOYISD Buoy, isolated danger
- BOYLAT Buoy, lateral
- BOYSAW Buoy, safe water
- BOYSPP Buoy, special purpose/general
- CBLARE Cable area
- CBLOHD Cable, overhead
- CBLSUB Cable, submarine
- CANALS Canal
- CTSARE Cargo transhipment area
- CAUSWY Causeway
- CTNARE Caution area
- CHKPNT Checkpoint
- CGUSTA Coastguard station
- COALNE Coastline
- CONZNE Contiguous zone
- COSARE Continental shelf area
- CTRPNT Control point
- CONVYR Conveyor
- CRANES Crane
- CURENT Current - non-gravitational
- CUSZNE Custom zone
- DAYMAR Daymark
- DWRTCL Deep water route centreline
- DWRTPT Deep water route part
- DEPARE Depth area
- DEPCNT Depth contour
- DISMAR Distance mark
- DOCARE Dock area
- DRGARE Dredged area
- DRYDOC Dry dock
- DMPGRD Dumping ground
- EXEZNE Exclusive economic zone
- FAIRWY Fairway
- FNCLNE Fence/wall
- FERYRT Ferry route
- FSHZNE Fishery zone
- FSHFAC Fishing facility
- FSHGRD Fishing ground
- FLODOC Floating dock
- FOGSIG Fog signal
- FORSTC Fortified structure
- FRPARE Free port area
- GRIDRN Gridiron
- HRBARE Harbour area (administrative)
- HRBFAC Harbour facility
- ICEARE Ice area
- ICNARE Incineration area
- ISTZNE Inshore traffic zone
- LNDARE Land area
- LNDELV Land elevation
- LNDRGN Land region
- LNDMRK Landmark
- LIGHTS Light
- LITFLT Light float
- LITVES Light vessel
- LOCMAG Local magnetic anomaly
- LOKBSN Lock basin
- LOGPON Log pond
- MAGVAR Magnetic variation
- MARCUL Marine farm/culture
- MIPARE Military practice area
- MORFAC Mooring/Warping facility
- NAVLNE Navigation line
- OBSTRN Obstruction
- OFSPLF Offshore platform
- OSPARE Offshore production area
- OILBAR Oil barrier
- PILBOP Pilot boarding place
- PIPARE Pipeline area
- PIPOHD Pipeline, overhead
- PIPSOL Pipeline, submarine/on land
- PONTON Pontoon
- PRCARE Precautionary area
- PRDARE Production/storage area
- PYLONS Pylon/bridge support
- RADLNE Radar line
- RADRNG Radar range
- RADRFL Radar reflector
- RADSTA Radar station
- RTPBCN Radar transponder beacon
- RDOCAL Radio calling-in point
- RDOSTA Radio station
- RAILWY Railway
- RAPIDS Rapids
- RCRTCL Recommended route centreline
- RECTRC Recommended track
- RCTLPT Recommended traffic lane part
- RSCSTA Rescue station
- RESARE Restricted area
- RETRFL Retro-reflector
- RIVERS River
- RUNWAY Runway
- SNDWAV Sand waves
- SEAARE Sea area/named water area
- SPLARE Sea-plane landing area
- SBDARE Seabed area
- SLCONS Shoreline construction
- SISTAT Signal station, traffic
- SISTAW Signal station, warning
- SILTNK Silo/tank
- SLOTOP Slope topline
- SLOGRD Sloping ground
- SMCFAC Small craft facility
- SOUNDG Sounding
- SPRING Spring
- STSLNE Straight territorial sea baseline
- SUBTLN Submarine transit lane
- SWPARE Swept Area
- TESARE Territorial sea area
- TS_FEB Tidal stream - flood/ebb
- TS_PRH Tidal stream - harmonic prediction
- TS_PNH Tidal stream - non-harmonic predict
- TS_PAD Tidal stream panel data
- TS_TIS Tidal stream - time series
- T_HMON Tide - harmonic prediction
- T_NHMN Tide - non-harmonic prediction
- T_TIMS Tide - time series
- TIDEWY Tideway
- TOPMAR Topmark
- TSELNE Traffic separation line
- TSSBND Traffic separation scheme boundary
- TSSCRS Traffic separation scheme crossing
- TSSLPT Traffic separation scheme lane part
- TSSRON Traffic separation scheme roundabout
- TSEZNE Traffic separation zone
- TUNNEL Tunnel
- TWRTPT Two-way route part
- UWTROC Underwater/awash rock
- UNSARE Unsurveyed area
- VEGATN Vegetation
- WATTUR Water turbulence
- WATFAL Waterfall
- WEDKLP Weed/Kelp
- WRECKS Wreck
- ARCSLN Archipelagic Sea Lane
- ASLXIS Archipelagic Sea Lane Axis
- NEWOBJ New Object
- M_ACCY Accuracy of data
- M_CSCL Compilation scale of data
- M_COVR Coverage
- M_HOPA Horizontal datum shift parameters
- M_NPUB Nautical publication information
- M_NSYS Navigational system of marks
- M_QUAL Quality of data
- M_SDAT Sounding datum
- M_SREL Survey reliability
- M_VDAT Vertical datum of data
- C_AGGR Aggregation
- C_ASSO Association
These are from the Inland ENC (IENC) Object Catalogue.
- achbrt Anchor berth
- achare Anchorage area
- depare Depth area
- dismar distance mark
- resare Restricted area
- sistat Signal station, traffic
- sistaw Signal station, warning
- berths Berth
- bridge Bridge
- cblohd Cable, overhead
- feryrt Ferry route
- hrbare Harbour area (administrative)
- hrbfac Harbour facility
- lokbsn Lock basin
- rdocal Radio calling-in point
- m_nsys Navigational system of marks
- curent Current, non-gravitational
- hulkes Hulk
- ponton Pontoon
- m_sdat Sounding datum
- m_vdat Vertical datum
- pipohd Pipeline, overhead
- flodoc Floating dock
- chkpnt Checkpoint
- bcnlat Beacon, lateral
- boylat Buoy, lateral
- cranes Crane
- gatcon Gate
- slcons Shoreline Construction
- uwtroc Underwater rock / awash rock
- convyr Conveyor
- notmrk Notice mark
- wtwaxs waterway axis
- wtwprf waterway profile
- bunsta Bunker station
- comare Communication area
- hrbbsn Harbour basin
- lkbspt Lock basin part
- prtare port area
- refdmp refuse dump
- termnl terminal
- trnbsn turning basin
- wtware Waterway area
- wtwgag Waterway gauge
- tisdge Time Schedule - in general
- vehtrf Vehicle transfer
- excnst Exceptional navigation structure
- lg_sdm Maximum permitted ship dimensions
- lg_vsp Maximum permitted vessel speed
Definition at line 2402 of file encxcom.idl.