VARIANT_BOOL | TwoColourShadingForDepthZones [get, set] |
| When true, two colours are used for non-drying depths; otherwise 4 colours are used. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | SymbolisedAreaBoundaries [get, set] |
| When true, the edges of some areas (e.g. anchorages) will be drawn with appropriate symbols (e.g. anchors); otherwise a simple line (e.g. dashes) will be used. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | SimplifiedSymbols [get, set] |
| When true, alternative symbols designed to be distinguishable at low resolutions will be used; otherwise symbols from chart 5001 will be used. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | FullLengthLightSectorLines [get, set] |
| When true, the rays indicating the limits of a light sector will be extended to their true range (or 9 Nm if the true range is not known); otherwise the ray will be 1" long. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | OverscaleIndicator [get, set] |
| Draw the overscale indicator. More...
DATE | Date [get, set] |
| Date for chart display which affects seasonal S-57 features (which used PERSTA,PEREND,DATSTA,DATEND). Defaults to now. DateMode must be set to S57DateMode_UseSetDate. More...
DOUBLE | SafetyDepthMetres [get, set] |
| Soundings deeper than this are displayed in a lighter colour. Units are metres. More...
DOUBLE | SafetyContourMetres [get, set] |
| The contour at this depth, or the next shallower depth, is emboldened. More...
DOUBLE | ShallowContourMetres [get, set] |
| Separates depth colours when TwoColourShadingForDepthZones is false. More...
DOUBLE | DeepContourMetres [get, set] |
| Separates depth colours when TwoColourShadingForDepthZones is false. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | ViewingGroup ([in] LONG ID) [get, set] |
| Object classes are organised into viewing groups. The drawing of each viewing group can be switched on and off individually. More...
LONG | NumViewingGroups [get] |
| Object classes are organised into viewing groups. The drawing of each viewing group can be switched on and off individually. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | TextGroup ([in] LONG ID) [get, set] |
| Object classes are organised into text groups. The drawing of each text group can be switched on and off individually. More...
LONG | NumTextGroups [get] |
| Object classes are organised into text groups. The drawing of each text group can be switched on and off individually. More...
IS57ProductAndUsages | Usages [get, set] |
| The types of S-57 data that should be drawn. More...
IS57CellIdentifiers | CellFilter [get, set] |
| Specific cells that can be drawn (excluding all others) or must not be drawn. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | CellFilterInclusive [get, set] |
| Controls the interpretation of CellFilter(). More...
IS57FeatureIdentifiers | FeatureFilter [get, set] |
| Specific features that can be drawn (excluding all others) or must not be drawn. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | FeatureFilterInclusive [get, set] |
| Controls the interpretation of FeatureFilter(). More...
LONG | NumDepthZones [get, set] |
| Controls the number of colours used for depths. Supersedes the TwoColourShadingForDepthZones property. More...
DOUBLE | VeryShallowContourMetres [get, set] |
| Separates depth colours when NumberOfDepthZones is 8. More...
DOUBLE | SlightlyShallowContourMetres [get, set] |
| Separates depth colours when NumberOfDepthZones is 8. More...
DOUBLE | SlightlyDeepContourMetres [get, set] |
| Separates depth colours when NumberOfDepthZones is 8. More...
DOUBLE | VeryDeepContourMetres [get, set] |
| Separates depth colours when NumberOfDepthZones is 8. More...
S57DepthDisplayUnits | DepthDisplayUnits [get, set] |
| The display units for depths (contours and soundings). More...
LONG | CompilationScaleZoomFactor [get, set] |
| The factor which determines when a cell of a particular compilation scale is drawn. More...
DOUBLE | FontScaleFactor [get, set] |
| Affects size of text. Range 0.4 to 4. Default 1. More...
S57DisplayImprovements | ImprovementsLevel [get, set] |
| Controls non-standard ENC display improvements. Associated with decluttering ENC displays. More...
BSTR | XML [get, set] |
| XML string representing settings. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | IgnoreScamin [get, set] |
| When set to true ignore the SCAMIN property on any features so they are drawn. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | DeclutterOverlappingCells [get, set] |
| When set to true where cells with the same navigational purpose overlap, only draw one of them. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | ShowOverlappingCellAreas [get, set] |
| When set to true where cells with the same navigational purpose overlap, and DeclutterOverlapping is true, highlight the overlapping area. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | HighlightDateDependent [get, set] |
| When set to true, draw symbol CHDATD01 with date dependent objects. More...
S57DateMode | DateMode [get, set] |
| Change between system date, user date or ignore date when handling drawing of features with date dependent attributes. More...
VARIANT_BOOL | ShowIsolatedDangersInShallowWater [get, set] |
| When set to true underwater or above water dangers are highlighted with the isolated danger symbol. More...
Properties and methods for ENCX::S57DisplaySettings.
Viewing Groups
These are from S-52.
- 10000, Display Base
- 11000, Information about the Chart Display
- 11010, Cursor [symbol SY(CURSRA01)]
- 11030, Scalebar, latitude scale [SY(SCALEB10),SY( SCALEB11)]
- 11040, North arrow [SY(NORTHAR1)]
- 11050, No data [colour NODTA, AP(NODATA03)], unsurveyed (UNSARE), incompletely surveyed area
- 11060, Non-HO data boundary LC(NONHODAT)
- 12000, Land area
- 12010, Land area (LANDARE)
- 12200, Dangers above water
- 12210, Bridge (BRIDGE), pylon (PYLONS), overhead cable (CBLOHD), conveyor (CONVYR), overhead pipeline (PIPOHD), offshore platform (OFSPLF)
- 12400, Shoreline
- 12410, Coastline (COALNE), ice shelf, glacier (ICEARE), shoreline construction (SLCONS), tie-up wall, dolphin (MORFAC), gate (GATCON), pile (PILPNT) crib, wellhead, ice boom (OBSTRN), floating dock (FLODOC), hulk (HULKES), pontoon (PONTON), oilboom (OILBAR), log boom (LOGPON), flood barrage (DAMCON, CATDAM3)
- 12420, Dock (DOCARE), lock (LOKBSN), canal (CANALS), rivers(RIVERS)
- 13000, Safety Contour
- 13010, Safety contour (from conditional symbology procedure DEPCNT03)
- 13030, Depth area (DEPARE), dredged area (DRGARE)
- 14000, Dangers under water
- 14010, Isolated underwater dangers in water deeper than the displayed safety contour (rocks, wrecks, obstructions, mooring cables from conditional symbology procedure UDWHAZnn)
- 14050, Isolated above water danger, in own ship safe water no isolated danger symbol. (Applies to obstructions, underwater rocks and wrecks from conditional symbology procedure UDWHAZnn)
- 20000, Standard Display
- 21000, Information about the Chart Display
- 21010, Unknown object (magenta question mark)
- 21020, Generic Object (NEWOBJ01)
- 21030, Chart scale boundary, overscale data [AP(OVERSCO1)]
- 21060, Place-holder for geographic names (LNDRGN, SEAARE)
- 22000, Major Coastal Features
- 22010, Riverbank (RIVBNK), lake (LAKARE), lakeshore (LAKSHR), sloping ground (SLOGRD), slope top (SLOTOP), dyke (DYKCON), causeway (CAUSWY), dam (DAMCON)
- 22200, Conspicuous landmarks:
- 22210, Radar conspicuous object (any object with attribute CONRAD 1)
- 22220, Visually conspicuous object (any object with attribute CONVIS 1)
- 22240, Built up area (BUAARE)
- 23000, Depths
- 23010, Area of depth less than the safety contour (DIAMON01 pattern)
- 23030, Swept area (SWPARE)
- 24000, Seabed dangers
- 24010, Mooring cables (MORFAC, CATMOR6), (CBLSUB, CATCBL6), tunnel on seabed (TUNNEL, BURDEP=0), sandwaves (SNDWAV)
- 24020, Isolated underwater danger in waters between the Safety Contour and the zero metre contour, and the mariner has selected the 'Show isolated dangers in shallow water'. The depth of the dangerous object is equal to or shallower than the Safety Contour selected by the mariner. Thus the object has to be presented by the 'Isolated Danger Symbol'. (Applies to obstruction underwater rock and wrecks from conditional symbology procedure UDWHAZnn)
- 24050, Isolated above water danger in waters between the Safety Contour and the zero metre contour and should not be displayed with an isolated danger symbol. (Applies to obstruction underwater rock and wrecks from conditional symbology procedure UDWHAZnn)
- 25000, Routes and Tracks
- 25010, Leading line, clearing line (NAVLINE), traffic lane (TSSLPT), deep water route (DWRTPT), traffic separation area (TSEZNE), traffic separation line (TSELNE), traffic roundabout (TSSRON), traffic crossing (TSSCRS), precautionary area (PRCARE), traffic separation scheme boundary (TSSBND), deep water route centre line (DWRTCL), two way route part (TWRTPT), inshore traffic zone (ISTZNE)
- 25020, Recommended track (RECTRC), recommended traffic lane (RCTLPT), recommended route centreline (RCRTCL)
- 25030, Ferry route (FERYRT)
- 25040, Radar line (RADLNE), limit of shore radar (RADRNG)
- 25060, Radio calling in point (RDOCAL)
- 26000, Restricted and Cautionary Areas
- 26010, Restricted area (RESARE)
- 26040, Submarine transit lane (SUBTLN), military practice area (MIPARE), sea plane landing area (SPLARE), offshore production area (OSPARE)
- 26050, Fairway (FAIRWY)
- 26150, Caution area (CTNARE)
- 26200, Information Areas. Protected Areas
- 26210, Fishing ground (FSHGRD), marine farm (MARCUL), fishing facility (FSHFAC)
- 26220, Anchorage area (ACHARE), anchor berth (ACHBRT)
- 26240, Dumping ground (DMPGRD)
- 26250, Cargo transhipment (CTSARE), incineration (ICNARE)
- 26260, Archipelagic sea lane (ASLXIS, ARCSLN)
- 27000, Buoys, Beacons, Topmarks, Lights, Fog Signals
- 27010, Buoy (BOYxxx), light float (LITFLT), mooring buoy (MORFAC, CATMOR7)
- 27011, Light vessel (LITVES)
- 27020, Beacon (BCNxxx)
- 27025, Daymark (DAYMAR)
- 27030, Distance mark (DISMAR)
- 27040, Direction of buoyage IALA buoyage regions (M_NSYS)
- 27050, Topmarks (TOPMAR) for paper chart symbols
- 27060, Gridiron (GRIDRN)
- 27070, Light (LIGHTS)
- 27080, Fog signal (FOGSIG), retro-reflector (RETRFL)
- 27200, Radar
- 27210, Racon (RTPBCN)
- 27230, Radar reflector (RADRFL)
- 28000, Services
- 28010, Pilot boarding point (PILBOP)
- 28020, Signal station, traffic (SISTAT), sig. stn. warning (SISTAW)
- 30000, Other Information
- 31000, Information about the Chart Display
- 31010, Accuracy of data (M_ACCY), survey reliability (M_SREL), quality of data (M_QUAL)
- 31011, Symbol LOWACC01, identifying low accuracy data, applied to the spatial object of point and area wrecks, rocks and obstructions and to point land areas
- 31020, Nautical publication (M_NPUB)
- 31030, Additional Information INFORM, NINFOM
- 31031, Additional Documents NTXTDS, TXTDSC, PICREP
- 31040, Data scale and coverage (M_CSCL, M_COVR)
- 31080, Magnetic variation (MAGVAR), local magnetic anomaly (LOCMAG)
- 32000, Natural Features
- 32010, Dunes, hills (SLOGRD), ridge, clifftop (SLOTOP), contours and elevation (LNDELV)
- 32030, Trees, vegetation, mangrove (VEGATN), marsh (LNDRGN)
- 32050, River (RIVERS) or lake (LAKARE); also rapids (RAPIDS), waterfall (WATFAL)
- 32070, Tideway (TIDWAY)
- 32200, Shore Structures
- 32220, Any of the following not classified as CONVIS1 (conspicuous): landmark (LNDMRK), building (BUISGL), tank, silo, water tower (SILTNK), wall (FNCLNE), fort (FORSTC)
- 32240, Airport (AIRARE), runway (RUNWAY)
- 32250, Railway (RAILWY), road (ROADWY), tunnel (TUNNEL), control point (CTRPNT)
- 32270, Quarry, refinery, power station, tank farm, wind farm, factory, timber yard (PRDARE)
- 32400, Port Features
- 32410, Harbour type (HRBFAC), customs check point (CHKPNT) [note: "small craft facilities" (SMCFAC) is in group 38210]
- 32440, Berth number (BERTHS), mooring facility (such as bollard) (MORFAC), , gate (such as lock gate) (GATCON) , dry dock (DRYDOC), crane (CRANES)
- 33000, Depths, Currents, Tide rips, etc.
- 33010, Soundings (SOUNDG)
- 33020, Depth contours (DEPCNT) other than the safety contour
- 33021, Label for the safety contour
- 33022, Label for contours other than the safety contour
- 33040, Water turbulence (WATTUR)
- 33050, Tidal information (T_HMON, T_NHM, T_TIMS)
- 33060, Current and tidal stream information (CURENT, TS_FEB, TS_PAD, TS_PNH, TS_PRH, TS_TIS)
- 34000, Seabed Information: rocks, wrecks & obstns, pipes & cables
- 34010, Nature of seabed (SBDARE)
- 34020, Spring (SPRING), sea weed (WEDKLP)
- 34030, Pipeline area (PIPARE), cable area (CBLARE)
- 34050, Rocks (UWTROC), wrecks (WRECKS), obstructions (OBSTNS), which are not a danger to own ship's navigation (these are all Display Base if a danger to own ship)
- 34051, Non-dangerous rocks (UWTROC), wrecks (WRECKS) and obstructions (OBSTRN) which have a VALSOU attribute and are not a danger to own-ship’s navigation (these objects are all Display Base if a danger to own-ship)
- 34070, Submarine cable (CBLSUB), submarine pipeline (PIPSOL)
- 35000, Routes
- 36000, Administrative Areas, (by cursor enquiry)
- 36010, Continental shelf (COSARE)
- 36020, Harbour area (HRBARE) free port area (FRPARE), customs zone (CUSZNE)
- 36040, Fishery zone (FSHZNE)
- 36050, Contiguous zone (CONZNE), exclusive economic zone (EXEZNE), national territorial area (NATARE), territorial sea (TESARE), territorial sea baseline (STSLNE), administration area (ADMARE)
- 38000, Services
- 38010, Radar station (RADSTA), radio station (RDOSTA)
- 38030, Coastguard station (CGUSTA), rescue station (RSCSTA)
- 38200, Small craft facilities
- 38210, Small craft facilities (SMCFAC)
AML Viewing Groups
- 80000, AML Standard
- 81000, Seabed Information
- 81010, Bottom Features (botmft)
- 81020, Scours - Trawl Scours (twlscr), Scours (scours), Impact Scour (iscour)
- 81030, Performance Information - Burial Probability Area (bprare), Bottom Tactical Data Area (btdare), Performance Data Area (pfdare), Marine Management Area (mcmare), Risk Data Area (rkdare)
- 81050, Diving Information - Diving Location (divloc), Diver Report Location (divrpt)
- 81060, Seismic Activity Area (seiare)
- 81100, Geological Layer (sedlay)
- 81200, Bottom Objects - Sensor Anomalies (senanm)
- 82000, Ice information
- 82110, Land Ice (lndice)
- 82210, Ice Features - Iceberg Area (brgare, BRGARE), Limit of All Known Ice (LKILNE), Limit of Open Water (OPNLNE), Iceberg Limit (BRGLNE), Floeberg (FLOBRG), Iceberg (icebrg, ICEBRG)
- 82310, Ice Structure - Ice Compacting (ICECOM), Ice Drift (ICEDFT), Ice Divergence (ICEDIV), Ice Fracture (ICEFRA), Ice Keel/Bummock (ICEKEL), Ice Lead (icelea, ICELEA), Ice Edge (icelin, ICELNE), Ice Ridge/Hummock (ICERDG), Ice Rafting (ICERFT), Ice Shear (ICESHR), Jammed Brash Barrier (JMDBRR), Ice Thickness (ICETHK)
- 82510, Ice Surface - Strips and Patches (STRPTC), Stage of Melt (STGMLT), Snow Cover (SNWCVR)
- 82600, Ice Routes (icerte)
- 83000, Mines
- 83010, Small Bottom Objects (smalbo)
- 83020, Mines (mindev)
- 83030, Contacts (contct)
- 84000, Beach and Landing Information
- 84010, Beach Survey (bchare)
- 84030, Beach Exit (bchext)
- 84050, Beach Profile (bchprf)
- 84060, Landing Place (lndplc)
- 84100, Air Landing Point (lndpnt), Site (lndste)
- 84150, Landing Strip (lndstp)
- 84160, Landing Zone (lndzne)
- 84180, Landing Area (lngare)
- 84200, Drop Zone (drpzne)
- 84300, Additional Water Features - Waste Disposal/Treatment Site (wstdsp), Treatment Area (treata)
- 84600, Additional Land Features - Shelter Location (shlloc), Shed / Hut (shedht)
- 84700, Resources - Location (resloc)
- 84750, Research Facility (resfac)
- 84780, Transport Facility (trpfac)
- 84800, Imagery Information - Area of Imagery Coverage (imgare)
- 84850, Viewpoint (viewpt)
- 85000, Routes and Areas
- 85010, Q Route Leg (qroute)
- 85050, Q Route Turning Point (turnpt)
- 85200, Operational Areas - Patrol Area (patare)
- 85250, Military Practice Areas (MIPARE): Surface danger, Practice and Exercise, Submarine Danger, Testing and Evaluation Range, Range, Impact Areas (CATMPA = 502,504,507,508,509,510)
- 85260, Restricted Area (RESARE): Mine Danger Area (CATREA = 502)
- 85400, Broadcast Areas
- 85410, Maritime Safety Information Area (msiare)
- 85420, Radio Broadcast Area (rdoare)
- 85430, Ice Advisory Area (iceadv)
- 85440, Restricted Area (RESARE): Maritime notification area (CATREA = 501)
- 85500, Environmental Areas (envare)
- 85550, Marine management area (marman)
- 85600, Human Activity Areas
- 85610, Fishing Activity Area (fshare)
- 85630, Leisure Activity Area (lsrare)
- 85650, Geophysical Prospection Grid (geophg)
- 86000, Aero
- 86010, ATS Route Centreline (atsctl)
- 86050, Aero Navaids - Air Waypoint (awaypt), Navigation system (navaid)
- 90000, AML Other
- 91100, Geological Layer (sedlay)
- 92000, Ice Information
- 92310, Ice Movement (icemov)
- 92320, Ice Polynya (icepol)
- 92410, Sea Ice (seaice, SEAICE)
- 92420, Ice Lake (LACICE)
- 93000, Mines
- 93100, Contact History (histob)
- 94000, Beach and Landing Information
- 94500, Trafficability Area (trfare)
- 95000, Routes and Areas
- 95100, Traffic Routes (tfcrte)
- 95300, Military Practice Areas (MIPARE) ACLANT Grid (CATMPA = 501)
- 95350, Military Practice Areas (MIPARE) JENOA Grid (CATMPA = 503)
- 96000, Airspace Restrictions
- 96100, Controlled airspace (ctlasp)
- 96200, Military exercise airspace (mexasp)
- 96300, Airspace Restriction (airres)
Text Groups
These are from S-52.
- 10, Important Text
- 11, Vertical clearance of bridges (VERCLR/VERCCL/VERCOP/VERCSA of BRIDGE), overhead cable (VERCLR of CBLOHD), overhead pipeline (VERCLR of PIPOHD), conveyor (VERCLR of CONVYR), bearing of navline (ORIENT of NAVLINE), recommended route (RCRTCL), deep water route centreline line (DWRTCL), recommended track (RECTRC), name and communications channel of radio calling-in point (OBJNAM/COMCHA of RDOCAL)
- 20, Other text
- 21, Names or number (OBJNAM) of buoys (BOYxxx), beacons (BCNxxx), daymarks (DAYMAR), light vessel (LITVES), light float (LLITFLT), offshore platform (OFSPLF)
- 23, Light description string
- 24, Note on chart data (INFORM) or nautical publication (TXTDSC)
- 25, Nature of seabed (NATSUR of SBDARE)
- 27, Value of: magnetic variation (VALMAG of MAGVAR); swept depth (DRVAL1 of SWPARE)
- 28, Height of islet or land feature (HEIGHT of LNDARE)
- 29, Berth number (OBJNAM of BERTHS, ACHBRT)
- 31, National language text (NOBJNM)
Definition at line 2889 of file encxcom.idl.