Properties | List of all members
IS57CellInfo Interface Reference

Details of a single S-57 cell. More...


Inheritance diagram for IS57CellInfo:
Inheritance graph


IS57CellIdentifier CellIdentifier [get]
 Unique label for an S-57 cell. More...
LONG IntendedUsage [get]
 Can be combined with CellIdentifier::Product to form a ProductIntendedUsage. More...
LONG CompilationScale [get]
 The nominal scale. The cell should contain a reasonable amount of detail when drawn at this scale. More...
BSTR Agency [get]
 Description of the S-57 data producer. 1:1 correspondence with the Agency code in IS57FeatureIdentifier::Agency. More...
BSTR Country [get]
 Name of the country providing the cell. More...
BSTR VerticalDatum [get]
 Description of the vertical datum used for land heights. See SoundingDatum for the vertical datum used for sea depths and drying heights. More...
BSTR SoundingDatum [get]
 Description of the vertical datum used for sea depths and drying heights. More...
IGeoRect Extent [get]
 The geographical bounding rectangle defined by two parallels and two meridians that encloses the features in the cell. More...
DATE IssueDate [get]
 When the cell was released. More...
DATE LastChanged [get]
 When the cell was last modified in the SENC. More...
LONG Edition [get]
 S-57 allows a cell to be completely replaces instead of being updated. More...
LONG LatestUpdate [get]
 Cell updates are numbered sequentially. 000 indicates a base cell. 001 is the first update. More...
DATE PermitExpiryDate [get]
 When the licence expires for this cell. More...
VARIANT_BOOL PermitIsSubscription [get]
 Returns true iff a permit is required for this cell. More...
LONG LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_All [get]
 Whether the contents of a cell is displayed depends on the relationship between the IS57Draw::DisplayScale and the compilation scale of the cell. More...
LONG LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_GroupOne [get]
 Whether the contents of a cell is displayed depends on the relationship between the IS57Draw::DisplayScale and the compilation scale of the cell. More...
LONG LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_Coverage [get]
 Whether the contents of a cell is displayed depends on the relationship between the IS57Draw::DisplayScale and the compilation scale of the cell. More...
BSTR LongFileName [get]
 Empty for most ENC suppliers, useful text from NOAA. More...

Detailed Description

Details of a single S-57 cell.

This information is generally metadata. The features and geometry within a cell are obtained using IS57FeatureQuery.

Definition at line 2049 of file encxcom.idl.

Property Documentation

◆ Agency

BSTR IS57CellInfo::Agency

Description of the S-57 data producer. 1:1 correspondence with the Agency code in IS57FeatureIdentifier::Agency.

◆ CellIdentifier

IS57CellIdentifier IS57CellInfo::CellIdentifier

Unique label for an S-57 cell.

◆ CompilationScale

LONG IS57CellInfo::CompilationScale

The nominal scale. The cell should contain a reasonable amount of detail when drawn at this scale.

◆ Country

BSTR IS57CellInfo::Country

Name of the country providing the cell.

◆ Edition

LONG IS57CellInfo::Edition

S-57 allows a cell to be completely replaces instead of being updated.

Each replacement is a new edition. A new edition resets the update number.

◆ Extent

IGeoRect IS57CellInfo::Extent

The geographical bounding rectangle defined by two parallels and two meridians that encloses the features in the cell.

◆ IntendedUsage

LONG IS57CellInfo::IntendedUsage

Can be combined with CellIdentifier::Product to form a ProductIntendedUsage.

◆ IssueDate

DATE IS57CellInfo::IssueDate

When the cell was released.

◆ LastChanged

DATE IS57CellInfo::LastChanged

When the cell was last modified in the SENC.

◆ LatestUpdate

LONG IS57CellInfo::LatestUpdate

Cell updates are numbered sequentially. 000 indicates a base cell. 001 is the first update.

◆ LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_All

LONG IS57CellInfo::LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_All

Whether the contents of a cell is displayed depends on the relationship between the IS57Draw::DisplayScale and the compilation scale of the cell.

At LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_All scale or any more detailed scale all features (unless excluded by SCAMIN) are drawn.

◆ LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_Coverage

LONG IS57CellInfo::LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_Coverage

Whether the contents of a cell is displayed depends on the relationship between the IS57Draw::DisplayScale and the compilation scale of the cell.

Between LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_Coverage scale and LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_GroupOne scale only the coverage feature (M_COVR) is drawn.

At any less detailed scale than LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_Coverage nothing from this cell is drawn.

◆ LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_GroupOne

LONG IS57CellInfo::LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_GroupOne

Whether the contents of a cell is displayed depends on the relationship between the IS57Draw::DisplayScale and the compilation scale of the cell.

Between LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_GroupOne scale and LeastDetailedDisplayScaleToShow_All scale only the 'skin of earth' features (DEPARE, LNDARE etc.) (unless excluded by SCAMIN) are drawn.

◆ LongFileName

BSTR IS57CellInfo::LongFileName

Empty for most ENC suppliers, useful text from NOAA.

◆ PermitExpiryDate

DATE IS57CellInfo::PermitExpiryDate

When the licence expires for this cell.

◆ PermitIsSubscription

VARIANT_BOOL IS57CellInfo::PermitIsSubscription

Returns true iff a permit is required for this cell.

◆ SoundingDatum

BSTR IS57CellInfo::SoundingDatum

Description of the vertical datum used for sea depths and drying heights.

◆ VerticalDatum

BSTR IS57CellInfo::VerticalDatum

Description of the vertical datum used for land heights. See SoundingDatum for the vertical datum used for sea depths and drying heights.