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IS57Attribute Interface Reference

Classification of the properties associated with an S-57 feature. More...


Inheritance diagram for IS57Attribute:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

HRESULT IsInProduct ([in] enum S57Product product, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *result)
 Whether this Attribute is used by the specified product. More...


S57Product Product [get]
 Deprecated. Use IsInProduct instead. More...
BSTR Acronym [get]
 The six letter alphanumeric abbreviation for this Attribute. More...
BSTR Name [get]
 The name of the Attribute. More...

Detailed Description

Classification of the properties associated with an S-57 feature.

These are from the ENC Attribute Catalogue. AGENCY Agency responsible for production
BCNSHP Beacon shape
BUISHP Building shape
BOYSHP Buoy shape
BURDEP Buried depth
CALSGN Call sign
CATAIR Category of airport/airfield
CATACH Category of anchorage
CATBRG Category of bridge
CATBUA Category of built-up area
CATCBL Category of cable
CATCAN Category of canal
CATCAM Category of cardinal mark
CATCHP Category of checkpoint
CATCOA Category of coastline
CATCTR Category of control point
CATCON Category of conveyor
CATCOV Category of coverage
CATCRN Category of crane
CATDAM Category of dam
CATDIS Category of distance mark
CATDOC Category of dock
CATDPG Category of dumping ground
CATFNC Category of fence/wall
CATFRY Category of ferry
CATFIF Category of fishing facility
CATFOG Category of fog signal
CATFOR Category of fortified structure
CATGAT Category of gate
CATHAF Category of harbour facility
CATHLK Category of hulk
CATICE Category of ice
CATINB Category of installation buoy
CATLND Category of land region
CATLMK Category of landmark
CATLAM Category of lateral mark
CATLIT Category of light
CATMFA Category of marine farm/culture
CATMPA Category of military practice area
CATMOR Category of mooring/warping facility
CATNAV Category of navigation line
CATOBS Category of obstruction
CATOFP Category of offshore platform
CATOLB Category of oil barrier
CATPLE Category of pile
CATPIL Category of pilot boarding place
CATPIP Category of pipeline/pipe
CATPRA Category of production area
CATPYL Category of pylon
CATQUA Category of quality of data CATRAS Category of radar station
CATRTB Category of radar transponder beacon
CATROS Category of radio station
CATTRK Category of recommended track
CATRSC Category of rescue station
CATREA Category of restricted area
CATROD Category of road
CATRUN Category of runway
CATSEA Category of sea area
CATSLC Category of shoreline construction
CATSIT Category of signal station, traffic
CATSIW Category of signal station, warning
CATSIL Category of silo/tank
CATSLO Category of slope
CATSCF Category of small craft facility
CATSPM Category of special purpose mark
CATTSS Category of Traffic Separation Scheme
CATVEG Category of vegetation
CATWAT Category of water turbulence
CATWED Category of weed/kelp
CATWRK Category of wreck
CATZOC Category of zone of confidence in data
COLPAT Colour pattern
COMCHA Communication channel
CPDATE Compilation date
CSCALE Compilation scale
CONDTN Condition
CONRAD Conspicuous, radar
CONVIS Conspicuous, visually
CURVEL Current velocity
DATEND Date end
DATSTA Date start
DRVAL1 Depth range value 1
DRVAL2 Depth range value 2
ELEVAT Elevation
ESTRNG Estimated range of transmission
EXCLIT Exhibition condition of light
EXPSOU Exposition of sounding
FUNCTN Function
HORACC Horizontal accuracy
HORCLR Horizontal clearance
HORLEN Horizontal length
HORWID Horizontal width
ICEFAC Ice factor
INFORM Information
JRSDTN Jurisdiction
LIFCAP Lifting capacity
LITCHR Light characteristic
LITVIS Light visibility
MARSYS Marks navigational - System of
MLTYLT Multiplicity of lights
NATION Nationality
NATCON Nature of construction
NATSUR Nature of surface
NATQUA Nature of surface - qualifying terms
NMDATE Notice to Mariners date
OBJNAM Object name
ORIENT Orientation
PEREND Periodic date end
PERSTA Periodic date start
PICREP Pictorial representation
PILDST Pilot district
PRCTRY Producing country
PRODCT Product
PUBREF Publication reference
QUASOU Quality of sounding measurement
RADWAL Radar wave length
RECDAT Recording date RECIND Recording indication RYRMGV Reference year for magnetic variation
RESTRN Restriction
SCAMIN Scale minimum
SCVAL1 Scale value one
SCVAL2 Scale value two
SECTR1 Sector limit one
SECTR2 Sector limit two
SHIPAM Shift parameters
SIGFRQ Signal frequency
SIGGEN Signal generation
SIGGRP Signal group
SIGPER Signal period
SIGSEQ Signal sequence
SOUACC Sounding accuracy
SDISMX Sounding distance - maximum
SDISMN Sounding distance - minimum
SORDAT Source date
SORIND Source indication
SURATH Survey authority
SUREND Survey date - end
SURSTA Survey date - start
SURTYP Survey type
TECSOU Technique of sounding measurement
TXTDSC Textual description
TS_TSP Tidal stream - panel values
TS_TSV Tidal stream, current - time series values
T_ACWL Tide - accuracy of water level
T_HWLW Tide - high and low water values
T_MTOD Tide - method of tidal prediction
T_THDF Tide - time and height differences
T_TSVL Tide - time series values
T_VAHC Tide - value of harmonic constituents
T_TINT Tide, current - time interval of values
TIMEND Time end
TIMSTA Time start
TOPSHP Topmark/daymark shape
TRAFIC Traffic flow
VALACM Value of annual change in magnetic variation
VALDCO Value of depth contour
VALLMA Value of local magnetic anomaly
VALMAG Value of magnetic variation
VALMXR Value of maximum range
VALNMR Value of nominal range
VALSOU Value of sounding
VERACC Vertical accuracy
VERCLR Vertical clearance
VERCCL Vertical clearance, closed
VERCOP Vertical clearance, open
VERCSA Vertical clearance, safe
VERDAT Vertical datum
VERLEN Vertical length
WATLEV Water level effect
CAT_TS Category of Tidal Stream
CLSDEF Object Class Definition CLSNAM Object Class Name SYMINS Symbol Instruction NINFOM Information in national language
NOBJNM Object name in national language
NPLDST Pilot district in national language
NTXTDS Textual description in national language
HORDAT Horizontal datum
POSACC Positional Accuracy
QUAPOS Quality of position

These are from the Inland ENC (IENC) Attribute Catalogue. catach Category of anchorage catsit Category of signal station, traffic catsiw Category of signal station, warning restrn Restriction verdat Vertical datum catfry Category of ferry cathaf Category of harbour facility marsys Marks navigational - System of catchp Category of checkpoint catlam Category of lateral mark addmrk additional mark catnmk category of notice mark clsdng class of dangerous cargo dirimp direction of impact disbk1 Distance from notice mark, first disbk2 Distance from notice mark, second disipu Distance of impact, upstream disipd Distance of impact, downstream eleva1 Elevation 1 of surface (m) eleva2 Elevation 2 of surface (m) fnctnm Function of notice mark wtwdis waterway distance bunves bunker vessel, availability catbrt category of berth catbun category of bunker station catccl category of CEMT class catcom Category of communication cathbr category of harbour area catrfd category of refuse dump horcll Horizontal clearance length horclw Horizontal clearance width trshgd transshipping goods unlocd UN location code catgag Category of waterway gauge higwat Value at relevant high water level hignam Name of relevant high water level lowwat Value at relevant low water level lownam Name of relevant low water level meawat Value at relevant mean water level meanam Name of relevant mean water level othwat Value at other locally relevant water level othnam Name of other locally relevant water level reflev Reference gravitational level sdrlev Name of Sounding datum reference level vcrlev Name of vertical river datum reference level catvtr Category of vehicle transfer cattab Category of time and behaviour schref Time Schedule Reference useshp Use of Ship curvhw Current velocity at high water level curvlw Current velocity at low water level curvmw Current velocity at mean water level curvow Current velocity at other water level aptref Average Passing Time Reference catexs Category of exceptional structure catcbl Category of cable cathlk Category of hulk hunits Height/length units watlev Water level effect lg_spd Maximal permitted speed lg_spr speed reference lg_bme Maximal permitted beam lg_lgs Maximal permitted length lg_drt Maximal permitted draught lg_wdp Maximal permitted water displacement lg_wdu water displacement unit lg_rel related issue lg_fnc Function of legal conditions lg_des Description of legal conditions lg_pbr Publication reference lc_csi category of ship (including) lc_cse category of ship (excluding) lc_asi Assemblies of ship (including) lc_ase Assemblies of ship (excluding) lc_cci Category of cargo (including) lc_cce Category of cargo (excluding) lc_bm1 Beam range value 1 lc_bm2 Beam range value 2 lc_lg1 Length range value 1 lc_lg2 Length range value 2 lc_dr1 Draught range value 1 lc_dr2 Draught range value 2 lc_sp1 Speed range value 1 lc_sp2 Speed range value 2 lc_wd1 Water displacement range value 1 lc_wd2 Water displacement value 2 shptyp Type of Ship

Definition at line 1703 of file encxcom.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ IsInProduct()

HRESULT IS57Attribute::IsInProduct ( [in] enum S57Product  product,
[out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *  result 

Whether this Attribute is used by the specified product.

Property Documentation

◆ Acronym

BSTR IS57Attribute::Acronym

The six letter alphanumeric abbreviation for this Attribute.

◆ Name

BSTR IS57Attribute::Name

The name of the Attribute.

◆ Product

S57Product IS57Attribute::Product

Deprecated. Use IsInProduct instead.