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ENCX::DisplayPalette Class Reference

Specifies the type of palette and any fading of the chart. More...


Inheritance diagram for ENCX::DisplayPalette:
Inheritance graph


PaletteType PalType [get, set]
 E.g. PalDay, PalDusk, PalNight. More...
DOUBLE Saturation [get, set]
 The density of colour. Default 1.0. Anything less than about 0.01 is greyscale. Anything more than about 100.0 is fully saturated colour. More...
DOUBLE Luminance [get, set]
 The brightness of drawing. Default 1.0. Anything less than about 0.01 is completely black. Anything more than about 100.0 is completely white. More...

Detailed Description

Specifies the type of palette and any fading of the chart.

Changing the saturation and luminance of the chart can be used to make overlaid information stand out more clearly.

Properties and methods via IDisplayPalette.

Definition at line 3957 of file encxcom.idl.

Property Documentation

◆ Luminance

DOUBLE IDisplayPalette::Luminance

The brightness of drawing. Default 1.0. Anything less than about 0.01 is completely black. Anything more than about 100.0 is completely white.

◆ PalType

PaletteType IDisplayPalette::PalType

E.g. PalDay, PalDusk, PalNight.

◆ Saturation

DOUBLE IDisplayPalette::Saturation

The density of colour. Default 1.0. Anything less than about 0.01 is greyscale. Anything more than about 100.0 is fully saturated colour.