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IS57DrawnFeature Interface Reference

How a feature is (or would be) drawn. Obtained when hit-testing a S57Draw object. More...


Inheritance diagram for IS57DrawnFeature:
Inheritance graph


IS57FeatureIdentifier FeatureID [get]
 The identity of the feature. More...
VARIANT_BOOL Visible [get]
 Whether the object is actually drawn. Some objects exist but are not symbolised (e.g. some chart metadata). More...
LONG DisplayPriorityPoint [get]
 The Z order of the object for points. 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) within the feature's ProductIntendedUsage. More...
LONG DisplayPriorityLine [get]
 The Z order of the object for lines. 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) within the feature's ProductIntendedUsage. More...
LONG DisplayPriorityArea [get]
 The Z order of the object for areas. 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) within the feature's ProductIntendedUsage. More...
IS57DrawnFeatures Slaves [get]
 Child objects (if any) and how they are drawn. More...

Detailed Description

How a feature is (or would be) drawn. Obtained when hit-testing a S57Draw object.

Definition at line 2626 of file encxcom.idl.

Property Documentation

◆ DisplayPriorityArea

LONG IS57DrawnFeature::DisplayPriorityArea

The Z order of the object for areas. 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) within the feature's ProductIntendedUsage.

◆ DisplayPriorityLine

LONG IS57DrawnFeature::DisplayPriorityLine

The Z order of the object for lines. 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) within the feature's ProductIntendedUsage.

◆ DisplayPriorityPoint

LONG IS57DrawnFeature::DisplayPriorityPoint

The Z order of the object for points. 0 (lowest) to 9 (highest) within the feature's ProductIntendedUsage.

◆ FeatureID

IS57FeatureIdentifier IS57DrawnFeature::FeatureID

The identity of the feature.

Can be used to obtain more details using S57Manager.Geometry and S57Manager.FeatureInfo, S57Manager.FeatureInfoPoint, S57Manager.FeatureInfoLine, S57Manager.FeatureInfoArea or S57Manager.FeatureInfoSounding.

◆ Slaves

IS57DrawnFeatures IS57DrawnFeature::Slaves

Child objects (if any) and how they are drawn.

◆ Visible

VARIANT_BOOL IS57DrawnFeature::Visible

Whether the object is actually drawn. Some objects exist but are not symbolised (e.g. some chart metadata).