ENCX Module Reference

An SDK for the display and use of marine navigational information supporting S-57/ENC and ARCS. More...


class  Library
 The top level object in the ENCX library. Required to create many other ENCX objects. More...
class  DisplayPalette
 Specifies the type of palette and any fading of the chart. More...
interface  _IDongleObserverEvents
 Events from DongleObserver. More...
class  DongleObserver
 Observe the state of the security device. More...
class  GeoPoint
 A position on the Earth's surface defined by geodetic latitude and longitude. More...
class  GeoPoints
 Collection of GeoPoint objects. More...
class  GeoArea
 An area formed by joining points in a closed loop with lines of the specified shape. More...
class  GeoRect
 An area on the Earth's surface defined by two meridians (east and west) and two parallels (north and south). More...
class  GeoLine
 A line of a specified shape between two points on the Earth's surface. More...
class  RasManager
 Manage a folder of raster charts. More...
interface  _IRasCatalogueObserverEvents
 Events from RasCatalogueObserver. More...
class  RasCatalogueObserver
 Observe changes to the charts in a RasManager. More...
class  RasChartPanelIdentifier
 The identity of a single panel (either the main chart or an inset panel) on a known raster chart. More...
class  RasDraw
 Display a bounded raster chart via a Win32 Device Context. More...
interface  _IS57CatalogueObserverEvents
 Events from S57CatalogueObserver. More...
class  S57CatalogueObserver
 Observe changes to the cells in an S57Manager. More...
class  S57CellIdentifier
 Identification of an S-57 cell. More...
class  S57CellIdentifiers
 Collection of S57CellIdentifier. More...
class  S57Colour
 An S-57 Colour Identifier. More...
class  S57ColourValue
 An S-57 Colour Identifier combined with the values of the colour (RGB) for each colour scheme (Day, Twilight, Night). More...
class  S57ColourValues
 A collection of S-57 colours and associated RGB values. More...
class  S57ProductAndUsage
 The combination of an S-57 Product and an Intended Usage. More...
class  S57ProductAndUsages
 Collection of S57ProductAndUsage. More...
class  S57ObjectClass
 Type of S-57 Object. More...
class  S57ObjectClassCollection
 Collection of S57ObjectClass. More...
class  S57FeatureIdentifier
 A globally unique value that identifies a particular feature as represented by a particular S-57 cell. More...
class  S57FeatureIdentifiers
 Collection of S57FeatureIdentifier. More...
class  S57FeatureQuery
 A means of querying an S-57 cell within a SENC to obtain a collection of the cell's features. More...
class  S57ManagerInitialisationData
 Parameters required to initialize S57Manager using OpenSenc2() More...
class  S57Manager
 An S-57 SENC. More...
interface  _IS57DrawEvents
 Events from S57Draw. More...
class  S57Draw
 Display a continuous S-57 vector chart via a Win32 Device Context. More...
class  HTMLGenerator
 Create HTML for display in a browser control (etc.) More...
class  PixelPoint
 A value class representing a floating point Cartesian pixel point. More...
class  PixelSize
 A value class representing a floating point Cartesian pixel size. More...
class  PixelRect
 A value class representing a floating point Cartesian pixel rectangle aligned with the Cartesian axes. More...

Detailed Description

An SDK for the display and use of marine navigational information supporting S-57/ENC and ARCS.

Full support for