Developer Reference ENCX SDK

Class Documentation

Information on a class and method level.

Getting Started

A few things that evaluators often need to know about ENCX

Release notes

Release history of ENCX.

XML Display Settings

Make managing your S-57 display settings easier.


Provides a FrameWorkElement to drop into your XAML to get ENC charts into your WPF application.

ENC Features At Point

Allow your customers to get more information about the vector chart in a browser control.


Using ENCX in a 64-bit application.

ENC Decluttering

Something you can turn on to make ENC charts easier to read.

World Vector Shoreline

Use the Chersoft World Vector Shoreline as a background to your S-57/ENC charts.

Where did I click? (on the .NET control)

When the user clicks on the chart what is the geographic (lat lon) position of the click.

What did I click on?

Find out what S57 features are there where the user clicked.

Demonstration ENC Charts

A look at the ENC data that is included in the demonstration download.


Install chart data programmatically to give your users a custom UI.

Installing a "loose" chart cell

If you have .000 files but not a proper transmittal read this article.

Version Numbers

Knowing which version of the ENCX Library you have is helpful in dealing with support questions. Here's how to look it up.

Drawing charts to files

Save a bit of chart as a JPG, GIF, PNG file. How to draw to a .NET Bitmap object.

Notes about the sample programs

The ENCX evaluation download comes with built samples ready to use.

Turning off unwanted information

How to stop drawing the North Arrow, Overscale Warning and Scale Bar.

ENC Viewing Groups

Control what is drawn using ENC viewing groups.


The organisation of the library.

Vector and Raster Basics for ENCX

Some information background about Electronic Charts.

ENCX .NET Controls

The ENCX .NET controls allow you to put chart display capabilities into your .NET applications very quickly and with full source code provided you can change them if necessary. An introduction.

Overlaying information onto Charts

A starting point if you want to overlay your own information onto a chart.

Overlays and the ENCX .NET Controls

How to draw overlays when using the ENCX .NET controls to draw your chart.

Tricks to make your overlays stand out

Is your information getting lost in the clutter of the chart backdrop? Here are some things to try to improve the situation.

Distributing ENCX Based Software

In order for your application to run on the end-users system you must redistribute the relevant ENCX components and data file. This document describes what you need to do.

Licensing and Security

ENCX and most of the official charts it can display must be licensed. This involves either a hardware or software 'dongle'.

ENC Projection

About the relationship between Lat Lon and Pixel Position on the chart

ENC Seasonal Features

An ENC display system can display features for a particular date and time - find out more.

Changes to how Windows handles DPI

Fuzzy applications? Read this!

Route Checking

How to perform ECDIS style route checking using ENCX.