<S57DisplaySettings Schema="1">
<Version>S-57 Edition 3.1.2, S-52 version 3.4 (including MD07)</Version>
<MoreDetailedDataAvailable >false</MoreDetailedDataAvailable >
<ViewingGroup Number="10000" Value="true" Description="Display Base" />
<ViewingGroup Number="11000" Value="true" Description="Information about the Chart Display" />
<ViewingGroup Number="11010" Value="true" Description="cursor [symbol SY(CURSRA01)]" />
<ViewingGroup Number="11030" Value="true" Description="Scalebar, latitude scale [SY(SCALEB10),SY( SCALEB11)]" />
<ViewingGroup Number="11040" Value="true" Description="north arrow [SY(NORTHAR1)]" />
<ViewingGroup Number="11050" Value="true" Description="no data [colour NODTA, AP(NODATA03)], unsurveyed (UNSARE), incompletely surveyed area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="11060" Value="true" Description="Non-HO data boundary LC(NONHODAT)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="12000" Value="true" Description="Land area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="12010" Value="true" Description="land area (LANDARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="12200" Value="true" Description="Dangers above water" />
<ViewingGroup Number="12210" Value="true" Description="bridge (BRIDGE), pylon (PYLONS), overhead cable (CBLOHD), conveyor (CONVYR), overhead pipeline (PIPOHD), offshore platform (OFSPLF)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="12400" Value="true" Description="Shoreline" />
<ViewingGroup Number="12410" Value="true" Description="coastline (COALNE), ice shelf, glacier (ICEARE), shoreline construction (SLCONS), tie-up wall, dolphin (MORFAC), gate (GATCON, pile (PILPNT) crib, wellhead, ice boom (OBSTRN),, floating dock (FLODOC), hulk (HULKES), pontoon (PONTON), oilboom (OILBAR), log boom (LOGPON), flood barrage (DAMCON, CATDAM3)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="12420" Value="true" Description="dock (DOCARE), lock (LOKBSN), canal (CANALS)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="13000" Value="true" Description="Safety Contour" />
<ViewingGroup Number="13010" Value="true" Description="safety contour (from conditional symbology procedure DEPCNT03)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="13030" Value="true" Description="depth area (DEPARE), dredged area (DRGARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="14000" Value="true" Description="Dangers under water" />
<ViewingGroup Number="14010" Value="true" Description="isolated underwater dangers in water deeper than the displayed safety contour (rocks, wrecks, obstructions, mooring cables from conditional symbology procedure)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="20000" Value="true" Description="Standard Display" />
<ViewingGroup Number="21000" Value="true" Description="Information about the Chart Display" />
<ViewingGroup Number="21010" Value="true" Description="unknown object (magenta question mark)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="21020" Value="true" Description="Generic Object (NEWOBJ01)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="21030" Value="true" Description="chart scale boundary, overscale data [AP(OVERSCO1)]" />
<ViewingGroup Number="21060" Value="true" Description="place-holder for geographic names (LNDRGN, SEAARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="22000" Value="true" Description="Major Coastal Features" />
<ViewingGroup Number="22010" Value="true" Description="riverbank (RIVBNK), lake (LAKARE), lakeshore (LAKSHR), sloping ground (SLOGRD), slope top (SLOTOP), dyke (DYKCON), causeway (CAUSWY), dam (DAMCON)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="22200" Value="true" Description="Conspicuous landmarks:" />
<ViewingGroup Number="22210" Value="true" Description="radar conspicuous object (any object with attribute CONRAD 1)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="22220" Value="true" Description="visually conspicuous object (any object with attribute CONVIS 1)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="22240" Value="true" Description="built up area (BUAARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="23000" Value="true" Description="Depths" />
<ViewingGroup Number="23010" Value="false" Description="area of depth less than the safety contour (DIAMON01 pattern)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="23030" Value="true" Description="swept area (SWPARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="24000" Value="true" Description="Seabed dangers" />
<ViewingGroup Number="24010" Value="true" Description="mooring cables (MORFAC, CATMOR6), (CBLSUB, CATCBL6), tunnel on seabed (TUNNEL, BURDEP=0), sandwaves (SNDWAV)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="24020" Value="false" Description="isolated underwater dangers in waters between the displayed safety contour and the drying line (rocks, wrecks, obstructions, mooring cables from conditional symbology procedure UDWHAZnn)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="24050" Value="false" Description="isolated above-water dangers in waters between the safety contour and the drying line (rocks, wrecks, obstructions which are "always dry" from conditional symbology procedure UDWHAZnn)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="25000" Value="true" Description="Routes and Tracks" />
<ViewingGroup Number="25010" Value="true" Description="leading line, clearing line (NAVLINE), traffic lane (TSSLPT), deep water route (DWRTPT), traffic separation area (TSEZNE), traffic separation line (TSELNE), traffic roundabout (TSSRON), traffic crossing (TSSCRS), precautionary area (PRCARE), traffic separation scheme boundary (TSSBND), deep water route centre line (DWRTCL), two way route part (TWRTPT), inshore traffic zone (ISTZNE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="25020" Value="true" Description="recommended track (RECTRC), recommended traffic lane (RCTLPT), recommended route centreline (RCRTCL)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="25030" Value="true" Description="ferry route (FERYRT)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="25040" Value="true" Description="radar line (RADLNE), limit of shore radar (RADRNG)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="25060" Value="true" Description="radio calling in point (RDOCAL)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26000" Value="true" Description="Restricted and Cautionary Areas" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26010" Value="true" Description="restricted area (RESARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26040" Value="true" Description="ferry route area (FERYRT), submarine transit lane (SUBTLN), military practice area (MIPARE), sea plane landing area (SPLARE), offshore production area (OSPARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26050" Value="true" Description="caution area (CTNARE), fairway (FAIRWY)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26200" Value="true" Description="Information Areas. Protected Areas" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26210" Value="true" Description="fishing ground (FSHGRD), marine farm (MARCUL)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26220" Value="true" Description="anchorage area (ACHARE), anchor berth (ACHBRT)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26230" Value="true" Description="pipeline area (PIPARE), cable area (CBLARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26240" Value="true" Description="dumping ground (DMPGRD)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26250" Value="true" Description="cargo transhipment (CTSARE), incineration (ICNARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="26260" Value="true" Description="Archipelagic sea lane (ASLXIS, ARCSLN)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27000" Value="true" Description="Buoys, Beacons, Topmarks, Lights, Fog Signals" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27010" Value="true" Description="buoy (BOYxxx), light float (LITFLT), mooring buoy (MORFAC, CATMOR7)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27011" Value="true" Description="light vessel (LITVES)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27020" Value="true" Description="beacon (BCNxxx)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27025" Value="true" Description="daymark (DAYMAR)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27040" Value="true" Description="direction of buoyage IALA buoyage regions (M_NSYS)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27050" Value="true" Description="topmarks (TOPMAR) for paper chart symbols" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27070" Value="true" Description="light (LIGHTS)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27080" Value="true" Description="fog signal (FOGSIG), retro-reflector (RETRFL)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27200" Value="true" Description="Radar" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27210" Value="true" Description="racon (RTPBCN)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="27230" Value="true" Description="radar reflector (RADRFL)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="28000" Value="true" Description="Services" />
<ViewingGroup Number="28010" Value="true" Description="pilot boarding point (PILBOP)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="28020" Value="true" Description="signal station, traffic (SISTAT), sig. stn. warning (SISTAW)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="30000" Value="false" Description="Other Information" />
<ViewingGroup Number="31000" Value="false" Description="Information about the Chart Display" />
<ViewingGroup Number="31010" Value="false" Description="accuracy of data (M_ACCY), survey reliability (M_SREL), survey source (M_SSOR) quality of data (M_QUAL)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="31011" Value="false" Description="symbol LOWACC01, identifying low accuracy data, applied to the spatial object of point and area wrecks, rocks and obstructions and to point land areas" />
<ViewingGroup Number="31020" Value="false" Description="nautical publication (M_NPUB)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="31030" Value="false" Description="information from attributes INFORM, TXTDSC, PICREP" />
<ViewingGroup Number="31040" Value="false" Description="data scale and coverage (M_CSCL, M_COVR)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="31080" Value="false" Description="magnetic variation (MAGVAR), local magnetic anomaly (LOCMAG)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32000" Value="false" Description="Natural Features" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32010" Value="false" Description="dunes, hills (SLOGRD), ridge, clifftop (SLOTOP), contours and elevation (LNDELV)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32030" Value="false" Description="trees, vegetation, mangrove (VEGATN), marsh (LNDRGN)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32050" Value="false" Description="river (RIVERS) or lake (LAKARE); also rapids (RAPIDS), waterfall (WATFAL)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32070" Value="false" Description="tideway (TIDWAY), saltpan (SLTPAN)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32200" Value="false" Description="Shore Structures" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32220" Value="false" Description="any of the following not classified as CONVIS1 (conspicuous): landmark (LNDMRK), building (BUISGL), tank, silo, water tower (SILTNK)cairn (CAIRNS), wall (FNCLNE), fort (FORSTC)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32240" Value="false" Description="airport (AIRARE), runway (RUNWAY)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32250" Value="false" Description="railway (RAILWY), road (ROADWY), tunnel (TUNNEL), control point (CTRPNT)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32270" Value="false" Description="quarry, refinery, power station, tank farm, wind farm, factory, timber yard (PRDARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32400" Value="false" Description="Port Features" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32410" Value="false" Description="harbour type (HRBFAC), customs check point (CHKPNT) [note: "small craft facilities" (SMCFAC) is in group 38210]" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32430" Value="false" Description="distance mark (DISMAR)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32440" Value="false" Description="berthing facility (such as wharf) (BRTFAC), berth number (BERTHS), mooring facility (such as bollard) (MORFAC), gate (such as lock gate) (GATCON), dry dock (DRYDOC), crane (CRANES)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="32460" Value="false" Description="gridiron (GRIDRN)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="33000" Value="false" Description="Depths, Currents, Tide rips, etc" />
<ViewingGroup Number="33010" Value="false" Description="Soundings (SOUNDG)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="33020" Value="false" Description="depth contours (DEPCNT) other than the safety contour, line depth area (DEPARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="33021" Value="false" Description="label for the safety contour" />
<ViewingGroup Number="33022" Value="false" Description="label for contours other than the safety contour" />
<ViewingGroup Number="33040" Value="false" Description="water turbulence (WATTUR)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="33050" Value="false" Description="tidal information (T_HMON, T_NHM, T_TIMS)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="33060" Value="false" Description="current and tidal stream information (CURENT, TS_FEB, TS_PAD, TS_PNH, TS_PRH, TS_TIS)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="34000" Value="false" Description="Seabed Information: rocks, wrecks & obstns, pipes & cables" />
<ViewingGroup Number="34010" Value="false" Description="nature of seabed (SBDARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="34020" Value="false" Description="spring (SPRING), sea weed (WEDKLP)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="34040" Value="false" Description="fish haven (FSHHAV), fishing stakes, etc. (FSHFAC)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="34050" Value="false" Description="rocks (UWTROC), wrecks (WRECKS), obstructions (OBSTNS), which are not a danger to own ship's navigation (these are all Display Base if a danger to own ship)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="34051" Value="false" Description="non-dangerous rocks (UWTROC), wrecks (WRECKS) and obstructions (OBSTRN) which have a VALSOU attribute and are not a danger to own-ship's navigation (these objects are all Display Base if a danger to own-ship)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="34070" Value="false" Description="submarine cable (CBLSUB), submarine pipeline (PIPSOL)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="35000" Value="false" Description="Routes" />
<ViewingGroup Number="36000" Value="false" Description="Administrative Areas, (by cursor enquiry)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="36010" Value="false" Description="continental shelf (COSARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="36020" Value="false" Description="harbour area (HRBARE) free port area (FRPARE), customs zone (CUSZNE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="36040" Value="false" Description="fishery zone (FSHZNE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="36050" Value="false" Description="contiguous zone (CONZNE), exclusive economic zone (EXEZNE), national territorial area (NATARE), territorial sea (TESARE), territorial sea baseline (STSLNE), administration area (ADMARE)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="38000" Value="false" Description="Services" />
<ViewingGroup Number="38010" Value="false" Description="radar station (RADSTA), radio station (RDOSTA)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="38030" Value="false" Description="coastguard station (CGUSTA), rescue station (RSCSTA)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="38200" Value="false" Description="Small craft facilities" />
<ViewingGroup Number="38210" Value="false" Description="small craft facilities (SMCFAC)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="40000" Value="false" Description="Additional Military Layers" />
<ViewingGroup Number="41000" Value="false" Description="Information about the Chart Display" />
<ViewingGroup Number="41010" Value="false" Description="Area of Imagery Coverage" />
<ViewingGroup Number="41020" Value="false" Description="Conformance to the product specification" />
<ViewingGroup Number="41030" Value="false" Description="Defined Straight Lines" />
<ViewingGroup Number="41040" Value="false" Description="Security Classification Information" />
<ViewingGroup Number="41050" Value="false" Description="Vertical Datum Shift Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42000" Value="false" Description="Areas" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42100" Value="false" Description="Restricted and Cautionary Areas" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42110" Value="false" Description="Environmentally Sensitive Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42130" Value="false" Description="Marine management area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42140" Value="false" Description="Fishing Activity Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42150" Value="false" Description="Leisure Activity Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42160" Value="false" Description="Seismic Activity Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42200" Value="false" Description="Internal Waters Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42300" Value="false" Description="Maritime Safety Information area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42400" Value="false" Description="Patrol area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42500" Value="false" Description="Performance Data Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42600" Value="false" Description="Radio broadcast area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42700" Value="false" Description="Risk Data Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="42800" Value="false" Description="Trafficability Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="43000" Value="false" Description="Air Information" />
<ViewingGroup Number="43010" Value="false" Description="Airspace Restriction" />
<ViewingGroup Number="43020" Value="false" Description="ATS Route Centreline" />
<ViewingGroup Number="43030" Value="false" Description="Controlled airspace" />
<ViewingGroup Number="43040" Value="false" Description="Landing strip" />
<ViewingGroup Number="43050" Value="false" Description="Landing zone" />
<ViewingGroup Number="43060" Value="false" Description="Military exercise airspace" />
<ViewingGroup Number="43070" Value="false" Description="Regulated airspace (not used)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="44000" Value="false" Description="Beach Information" />
<ViewingGroup Number="44010" Value="false" Description="Exit" />
<ViewingGroup Number="44020" Value="false" Description="Profile" />
<ViewingGroup Number="44030" Value="false" Description="Survey" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45000" Value="false" Description="Facilities" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45010" Value="false" Description="Diving Location" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45020" Value="false" Description="Drinking Water Location (not used)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45030" Value="false" Description="Drop Zone" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45040" Value="false" Description="Landing area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45050" Value="false" Description="Landing place" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45060" Value="false" Description="Landing point" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45070" Value="false" Description="Landing site" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45080" Value="false" Description="Resource Location" />
<ViewingGroup Number="45090" Value="false" Description="Shelter Location" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46000" Value="false" Description="Ice" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46010" Value="false" Description="Advisory Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46020" Value="false" Description="Iceberg" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46030" Value="false" Description="Iceberg area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46040" Value="false" Description="Land Ice" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46050" Value="false" Description="Lead" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46060" Value="false" Description="Line" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46070" Value="false" Description="Movement" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46080" Value="false" Description="Polynya" />
<ViewingGroup Number="46090" Value="false" Description="Sea Ice" />
<ViewingGroup Number="47000" Value="false" Description="Mines" />
<ViewingGroup Number="47010" Value="false" Description="Contact" />
<ViewingGroup Number="47020" Value="false" Description="Contact History" />
<ViewingGroup Number="47030" Value="false" Description="MCM Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="47040" Value="false" Description="Mine" />
<ViewingGroup Number="47050" Value="false" Description="Sensor Anomaly" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48000" Value="false" Description="Navigation" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48100" Value="false" Description="Navigation system (NAVAID)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48200" Value="false" Description="Routes" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48210" Value="false" Description="Ice route" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48220" Value="false" Description="Q-Route Leg" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48230" Value="false" Description="Traffic route" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48240" Value="false" Description="Turning point" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48250" Value="false" Description="Centre Line (not used)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="48300" Value="false" Description="Viewpoint" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49000" Value="false" Description="Seabed Information" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49010" Value="false" Description="Bedrock area (not used)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49020" Value="false" Description="Bottom Feature" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49030" Value="false" Description="Bottom Tactical Data Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49040" Value="false" Description="Burial Probability Area" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49050" Value="false" Description="Geological Layer" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49060" Value="false" Description="Scours" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49061" Value="false" Description="Impact scours" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49062" Value="false" Description="Trawl scours" />
<ViewingGroup Number="49070" Value="false" Description="Superficial Sediment Deposits (not used)" />
<ViewingGroup Number="50000" Value="false" Description="Admiralty Information Overlay" />
<ViewingGroup Number="50001" Value="false" Description="for cells which are being displayed" />
<ViewingGroup Number="50002" Value="false" Description="for cells which are not being displayed" />
<TextGroup Number="10" Value="true" Description="Important Text" />
<TextGroup Number="11" Value="true" Description="vertical clearance of bridges, overhead cable, pipe or conveyor (BRIDGE, CBLOHD, PIPOHD, CONVYR, VERCSA, VERCLR, VERCCL, VERCOP), bearing of navline, recommended route, deep water route centreline line, recommended track (NAVLNE, RCRTCL, DWRTCL, RECTRC, ORIENT), name and communications channel of radio calling-in point (RDOCAL, OBJNAM, COMCHA)." />
<TextGroup Number="20" Value="false" Description="Other text" />
<TextGroup Number="21" Value="false" Description="names for position reporting: name or number (OBJNAM) of buoys (BOYxxx), beacons(BCNxxx), daymarks (DAYMAR), light vessel, light float (LITVES, LITFLT), offshore platform (OFSPLF)" />
<TextGroup Number="22" Value="false" Description="bearing for directional lights" />
<TextGroup Number="23" Value="false" Description="light description string" />
<TextGroup Number="24" Value="false" Description="note on chart data (INFORM) or nautical publication (TXTDSC)" />
<TextGroup Number="25" Value="false" Description="nature of seabed (NATSUR of SBDARE)" />
<TextGroup Number="26" Value="false" Description="geographic names (OBJNAM of SEAARE, LNDRGN etc.)" />
<TextGroup Number="27" Value="false" Description="value of: magnetic variation (VALMAG of MAGVAR); swept depth (DRVAL1 of SWPARE)" />
<TextGroup Number="28" Value="false" Description="height of islet or land feature" />
<TextGroup Number="29" Value="false" Description="berth number (OBJNAM of BERTHS, ACHBRT)" />
<TextGroup Number="31" Value="false" Description="national language text (NOBJNM, NINFOM, NTXTDS)" />