This is the complete list of members for ENCX::S57Manager, including all inherited members.
CellInfo([in] IS57CellIdentifier *piCellID, [out, retval] IS57CellInfo **pVal) | IS57Manager | |
Cells([in] IS57ProductAndUsages *ProductAndUsages, [in] IGeoRect *cr, [out, retval] IS57CellIdentifiers **pVal) | IS57Manager | |
CloseSenc(void) | IS57Manager | |
CreateSencFolder([in] BSTR sPath) | IS57Manager | |
FeatureInfo([in] IS57FeatureIdentifier *pifid, [out, retval] IS57FeatureInfo **pVal) | IS57Manager | |
FeatureInfoArea([in] IS57FeatureIdentifier *pifid, [out, retval] IS57FeatureArea **pVal) | IS57Manager | |
FeatureInfoLine([in] IS57FeatureIdentifier *pifid, [out, retval] IS57FeatureLine **pVal) | IS57Manager | |
FeatureInfoPoint([in] IS57FeatureIdentifier *pifid, [out, retval] IS57FeaturePoint **pVal) | IS57Manager | |
FeatureInfoSounding([in] IS57FeatureIdentifier *pifid, [out, retval] IS57FeatureSounding **pVal) | IS57Manager | |
Geometry([in] IS57FeatureIdentifier *pifid, [out, retval] enum S57FeatureGeometry *pVal) | IS57Manager | |
InstalledProducts | IS57Manager | |
IsValidSencFolder([in] BSTR sPath, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *bRes) | IS57Manager | |
ObjectClass([in] IS57FeatureIdentifier *fid, [out, retval] IS57ObjectClass **pVal) | IS57Manager | |
OpenSenc([in] ILibrary *EncXLibrary, [in] BSTR sSencFolder) | IS57Manager | |
OpenSenc2([in] ILibrary *EncXLibrary, [in] IS57ManagerInitialisationData *p) | IS57Manager | |
OpenSencAndWVS([in] ILibrary *EncXLibrary, [in] BSTR sSencFolder, [in] BSTR sWVSFileOrFolder) | IS57Manager | |
RunInstallApplication([in] BSTR pathToApplication) | IS57Manager | |
UnusedCells | IS57Manager | |
UserPermit([out, retval] BSTR *pUserPermit) | IS57Manager |