This is the complete list of members for ENCX::RasDraw, including all inherited members.
ChartIdentifier | IRasDraw | |
ChartSize | IRasDraw | |
DisplayFullSize | IRasDraw | |
DisplayPalette | IRasDraw | |
DisplayUpdates | IRasDraw | |
Draw([in] OLE_HANDLE hDC) | IRasDraw | |
GeoPix([in] IPixelPoint *ipPixelPt, [out, retval] IGeoPix **geoPix) | IRasDraw | |
GetRect([out, retval] IPixelRect **rect) | IRasDraw | |
HasUpdates | IRasDraw | |
HorizontalDatum([in] IPixelPoint *ipPixelPt, [out, retval] IHorizontalDatum **hd) | IRasDraw | |
IndicateUpdates | IRasDraw | |
Magnify | IRasDraw | |
OpenAtPositionOnPanel([in] IRasManager *rasManager, [in] IRasChartPanelIdentifier *chartAndPanel, [in] IGeoPoint *geoPt) | IRasDraw | |
OpenChart([in] IRasManager *rasmanager, [in] BSTR ChartIdentifier) | IRasDraw | |
PanelAtPoint([in] IPixelPoint *ipPixelPt, [out, retval] IRasPanelIdentifier **rpid) | IRasDraw | |
PanelGeoPix([in] IRasPanelIdentifier *panelID, [out, retval] IGeoPix **geoPix) | IRasDraw | |
PanelNotes([in] IRasPanelIdentifier *panelId, [out, retval] IRasPanelNotes **pVal) | IRasDraw | |
PermanentMessage | IRasDraw | |
PixelSizeMetres | IRasDraw | |
SetRect([in] IPixelRect *rect) | IRasDraw | |
UpdateMessage | IRasDraw | |
VisibleGeoPix | IRasDraw | |
WarningMessage | IRasDraw |